LASIK & Refractive Surgery

What is LASIK: It is a surgical procedure needed for human vision correction. Eye patients who suffer from vision disorders like nearsightedness, farsightedness, or have astigmatism (distorted vision) are sometimes advised to undergo LASIK SURGERY. The objective is to help focus light by reshaping cornea (human eye lens) and enable such patients to see sharp and better images.

Diagnosis - Eye Refractive Errors:

Normal vision depends on how well your cornea and lens perform to help light fall onto the retinal plane. When a cornea doesn't focus the image cleanly on a retina, the patient is said to have a refractive error. Such refractive error may produce an out-of-focus or a blurred vision on the human retina making such patients uncomfortable. If one feels any of such symptoms, he or she should visit an ophthalmologist. Your eye doctor can determine the exact type of refractive error after a routine examination of your eye.

Treatment: Various deviations in the focusing ability of the human eye are known as refractive errors. They include errors like nearsighted, farsighted, or astigmatism. Eyeglasses and contact lens are generally advised to manage such refractive disorders. A prefered alternative option is a Surgery. They are meant to put the cornea in correction shape for a perfect image formation.

Perfect surgery for best results: Modern treatment provides some better and convenient choices that include surgical intervention. Such procedures are called refractive surgeries such as LASIK or PRK. They are performed by adjusting the cornea and eye shape to bring about a correct alignment. And that is where the expertise of surgeons comes into play. A perfect surgery also depends on the technology and quality of equipment used for best results. Laser-aided LASIK is the most preferred choices for refractive errors.
Clear Lensectomy and Intra-ocular lens (IOL) Implantation is also part of the treatment of various refractive errors.

Why US: Our expert services of best ophthalmologists, optometrist and opticians all combine to make your LASIK surgery a feel-good experience. Your vision gets perfect, and there is no need for spectacles or contact lens. More and more patients with LASIK disorders are getting treated from the best eye doctors using our online treatment window. Eye treatment was never this easy, convenient and safe.

EYECARE helpline connects you to an expert team of eye doctors, best ophthalmologists and skilled surgeons at affordable costs. Our LASIK surgery success rate is over 95 per cent, and patients satisfaction rate is equally impressive.

Cost: We promise you the Lowest Price with the best treatment quality and full patient satisfaction. As a goodwill gesture, we offer significant discounts to patients who connect us online. Call 9988610610 for any enquiry on the cost of surgery.

Surgery in your comfort zone: We assure you of a painless, scarless and robust laser surgery. Expect your surgery complete in all respects in just over 15 minutes. You can return to normal and regular vision in 24 hours after your surgery is done. Our experienced surgeons will make sure that you will not feel any unbearable pain. The LASIK Laser doesn't require any stitches or eye bandages. It is a technological bliss.

Convenient and Adjustable: As you get old, if need be, more such adjustments in (eye) focusing can also be made after your first surgery. After LASIK treatment, there is almost no dependence on eyeglasses or contact lenses.

Laser Lasik -Side Effects / Disadvantages: Laser-aided LASIK is still the most preferred choice to treat refractive errors. However, there is a possibility of side effects as well. Any mishandling in any flap creation can affect vision adversely. That is why it is advised to make the right selection of Doctors.

Some patients may also feel a bit discomfort in the initial 24 to 48 hours after surgery, but even that soon reduces and wean off completely.

Very occasionally, after LASIK, you may not get back the best vision. Which is same as you would have it once you wear glasses or contact lens. The possibility of that is very less, and it also depends on the experience and skill of your eye surgeons.

EYECARE helpline ensures that you get the best choice of doctors and surgeries to minimise any likely side effects.

Preparation for LASIK surgery:
Your eye doctor will sit with you before surgery and review your case dairy in detail. Your medical history and past treatment records are carefully looked into, to rule out any possible complications. Once your case is thoroughly examined and medically evaluated, your treatment/surgery plan is drawn. The plan includes conducting all necessary eye tests, advance examination and taking note of all test results. Finally, you are given a date of appointment and surgery is undertaken safely.

Surgery Procedure for LASIK laser:
Eye care helpline provides for a modern and fast method of treatment. We ensure that all Refractive error procedures are convenient and affordable for patients. It all begins and ends in less than 15 minutes. Your eye is usually numbed with eye drops before surgery. A patient remains generally awake during surgery, and the eye may be kept open with an eye speculum.

Useful benefits of Laser Lasik.

  • Computer controlled laser with a high success rate
  • Pain-free and fast patient recovery
  • Corrects a wide range of myopia
  • Surgery can be repeated with age to correct vision further
  • A patient's eye is not weakened since only one flap is cut into the cornea
  • Bladeless and scar Free ring of the cornea
  • Rids you off from the use of spectacles or contact lenses.
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